Using the HTML code below you can create a more visually engaging kiosk display by including relevant icons. 

Example: When the code below is added to the Element Text of the Loyalty Page Initial Optin Message it will display a circled check mark

<p><i style="font-size:96px;"class="fa fa-check-circle"></i></p>

Additional suggested uses include but are not limited to adding a Gift Icon to the Goal Reached Message and adding a Social Icon to the Social Media Response Msg. These can be easily accomplished by replacing the fa reference in the code provided.

Facebook Icon:

<p><i style="font-size:96px;" class="fa fa-facebook-square"></i></p>

Gift Icon:

<p><i style="font-size:96px;" class="fa fa-gift"></i></p>

A wide range of additional Font Awesome icon options are listed below. To use an icon with your digital kiosk display or coupon widget, swap out the desired icon code shown below with the highlighted portion of the sample HTML code shown here:

SAMPLE HTML CODE:   <p><i style="font-size:96px;" class="fa fa-check-circle"></i></p>