The message totals report displays the number of carrier look-ups, contacts, keywords, received and sent messages for a user account and their sub-accounts. Filterable by date range, the report breaks down message use by the messaging code (Short Code, Text Enabled Toll Free, or Local 10-DLC).

  • Carrier Lookups - The number of times the system had to scrub a phone number to determine the carrier and whether or not it was a landline.
  • # of Keywords - This is also the number of mobile campaigns that exist for the account.
  • # of Contacts - Total number of contacts for the account.
  • New / Re-Opt-Ins / Opt-Outs
    • NEW - Represents the # of new contacts that have been added to the account for the specified date range.
    • Re-Opt-INs - Represents the # of contacts that opted back in to a mobile campaign after initially opting out.
    • Opt-Outs - Represents the # of contacts that have opted out of receiving future messages from the account.
  • Message Code - The code used to send/receive messages for the account.
  • Received - The # of messages that were received in the system.
  • Sent - The # of messages that were sent out from the system to contacts.
  • #SMS / #MMS - The breakdown of SMS to MMS messages sent from the total.
  • Total - The total received and sent messages for the account during the specified date range.

A summary on the right shows the total number of sent/received messages for each messaging code.