Follow the steps below to manage your account’s Registration Settings, default Credit Preferences and Integrated Billing Gateway. 

Step 1.

Click Client Admin from the main menu.

Step 2.

Locate and click the Registration Settings button in the upper right-hand side of the page.

Step 3.

In addition to activating the payment gateway for your account, the Registration Settings pop-up allows you to select default Credit Preferences to be applied to each new user account. 

  • Terms & Conditions URL - This page is a private labeled boilerplate terms and conditions page that your system is configured to use for your users.  This page provides standard opt-in instructions and disclaimer language to the consumers that are joining the mobile campaigns that have been setup for your users.  You can set your own Terms & Conditions URL or use the one that we’ve provided for you.

  • Message Credit Monitoring - Enabling the credit monitor lets you add one-time & recurring outbound message credits, as well as manage overdraft settings and credit buffers for each new user account.

    • Overdraft - Prevents the user from exceeding their available message credits.  Allowing overdraft may create a scenario where the user has negative credits because they’ve sent more messages than they have credits for.

    • Credit Buffer - Is a percentage of a user’s available message credits that are reserved to process STOP requests from opted in mobile numbers.   

  • Carrier Lookup Monitoring - Enabling this feature prevents the user from exceeding their available carrier look-up credits. We recommend keeping this OFF. Carrier lookup credits play a vital role in the successful delivery of messages to the correct carrier networks.

  • Keyword Monitoring - Enabling this feature limits the user from creating campaigns that exceed their available keyword credits.

  • Built-In TCPA System - An enabled TCPA system requires that all mobile numbers provide express consent before they can receive users’ text messages. This ensures you and your users are compliant with FCC laws pertaining to mobile marketing and communication.  Best practice is to leave this option ON for all new user accounts.

  • Use Payment Gateway - An enabled payment gateway allows you to generate invoices and, or, charge credit cards by connecting your billing system with your gateway API Credentials & Keys.

CHARGING CREDIT CARDS is the only payment gateway available to charge credit cards with our Integrated Billing System. If you would like to charge credit cards but do not have an account, please contact your payment processor or visit  

Your account contains 2 API credentials & keys our system requires in your registration settings to allow your account to charge credit cards.

  • API Gateway Login Key

  • API Gateway Transaction Key

You’ll find the required keys by logging in to your account and going to Account > Settings > API Credentials & Keys

Step 4.

Click Yes to Use Payment Gateway and then enter your Gateway Login Key and Transaction Key in the fields provided.

Step 5.

Click the Update button to save your changes.

With your payment gateway enabled, you can now access your account’s Billing Settings where you will create the items and packages to be charged to your users. 

See Related ArticleBilling Settings

With your keys in place you can use each user’s Credit & Billing preferences to further customize which accounts will be charged via credit card and which accounts will be charged via invoice. 

See Related ArticleUser Credit & Billing Preferences (Coming Soon)

To learn more about our Integrated Billing System and explore your options:

See Related ArticleIntegrated Billing System

With your payment gateway enabled, you can now access your account’s Billing Settings where you will create the items, and packages to be charged to your users.

See Related ArticleBilling Settings

Use INVOICE ONLY to manage message credits without charging credit cards from the system.

See Related ArticleClient Credit & Billing Preferences (Coming Soon)

To learn more about our Integrated Billing System and explore your options:

See Related ArticleIntegrated Billing System