If you haven’t yet done so, please review our Integrated Billing System overview to familiarize yourself with our billing system and explore your options.

See Related ArticleIntegrated Billing System

Follow the steps below to create one-time and recurring billing items to be charged through the integrated billing system. 


Step 1.

Click Client Admin from the main menu.

Step 2.

Locate and click the Billing Settings button in the upper right-hand side of the page.

Note: If you do not see this button, please return to Registration Settings and activate the 

Payment Gateway

See Related ArticleRegistration Settings

Step 3.

The Billing Settings pop-up allows you to create and manage individual items, packages, and coupon codes you can use to give promotional discounts to new registered users.

Step 4.

Click the “Click here to create your first item” prompt to create your first item.

Note: The option to “Load Packages from Affiliate” only works if you’re creating billing settings within an affiliate account.

Use the fields below to enter the details of your first billing item then click the Create Item button. 

Step 5.

Item Name - Enter the item name as it will appear in the Shopping Cart and, or, public facing Pricing Page.  

Step 6.

Description - Enter a description of the item as it will appear in the Shopping Cart and, or, Pricing Page.

Step 7. 

Item Types - Use the drop down menu to select the desired Item Type. The billing system has a number of item types to choose from:

    • Message Credit - Applies message credits to the client’s account. 

    • Keyword Credit - Applies keyword credits to the client’s account.

    • Carrier Lookup Credits - Applies carrier lookup credits to the client’s account.

    • Other Fee - Allows you to apply any type of fee (i.e. setup, service, etc.) that might be associated with the client’s account.

Step 8.

# of Credits & Credit Expiration - Use the # of Credits & Credit Expiration fields provided to indicate the number of Credits being supplied by the item and when those credits will expire.

Step 9.

Item Price - Enter the price the client will be charged for the item.

Step 10.

Item Classification - Select how this item will be used with your billing system.

    • Stand Alone - A stand alone item can exist and be charged to your client’s account by itself. 

    • Add On - An add on item must be tied to a Billing Package to be charged to your client’s account.

Step 11.

Billing Frequency - Use the drop-down menu to select the frequency the client’s account will be charged for this item.

    • Recurring charges (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually) require that you enter a “Recurring Description” that will appear on the client’s recurring invoices, and a “Recurring Price”.  

Step 12.

Display this item - Select where the item appears by check marking the boxes provided.

    • On New Registration Page - The item will be available when a client registers for a new account in addition to appearing on your public facing Pricing Page.

    • On Upgrade Page - The item will be available as an upgrade option within your client’s account. 

Step 13.

Display Order - Select the order in which you’d like this item to appear in the Shopping Cart and, or, public facing Pricing Page.  

Step 14.

Click the Create Item button to save your item’s settings.

Now that you have created your first item, you can add additional items as needed by clicking the Add Item button and repeating step 5-14 listed above.


Step 1.

From the Billing Settings pop-up, locate the item you wish to edit and click the edit icon.

Step 2.

Adjust the Billing Item as needed and click the Update Item button to save your changes.

See Related ArticleCreate & Manage Billing Packages

See Related ArticleCreate & Manage Billing Coupons