If the "restart" desire is to start the program over from scratch, resetting everyone to 0, then this can only be done by using a NEW Loyalty campaign. The system does not support loyalty updating via import and campaigns tracking loyalty history and check-ins cannot have that progress zeroed-out. The only way to zero-out and start over from scratch is to use a new loyalty campaign.
The following steps walkthrough how to set up a new loyalty campaign and import contacts to the new program. To wipe the slate clean for an existing loyalty program, follow the step below to properly create and import existing contacts to the new program.
Step 1.
Go to Reports and select the Kiosk Check Ins Reports.
Step 2.
Put in the following parameters to get a record of every contact that has used the kiosk in the account.
- Kiosk Name
- Clear Out Count Filter
- Clear Out Date Filter
Step 3.
Click the magnifying glass and once the report is populated, click the export button.
Note: Because importing a new list of Total Opt-ins (total of all Checkins) and Opt-ins (currently loyalty progress) does not overwrite previous history, there are additional steps that must be taken to modify the account and file before your account will be ready with a new loyalty program.
Step 4.
Make a copy of the exported file to save for future reference to activity prior to the change.
Step 5.
Remove all columns from the working file except for MOBILE.
Step 6.
Add a 2nd column for "Total Opt-Ins" and a 3rd column for "Opt-ins, " then fill in the filed beneath each column header with 0 for every mobile number in the list. This is necessary to reset loyalty progress to 0 while preventing the contacts from being treated as new opt-ins the next time they touch the kiosk.
Note: At this point it is recommended to save the file and make a copy of it so that if the account wants a record of who was adjusted and what they were adjusted to, this info would be in a file readily available.
Step 7.
Prepare the account's new loyalty program by duplicating the existing campaign. Check all settings to ensure that its messages are properly connected to the desired coupons.
Step 8.
Edit the Digital Kiosk used for the program and connect the active loyalty button to the new campaign.
Step 9.
Import the modified check-in file into the account and select the new/recreated keyword.
Step 10.
On the mapping screen, make sure to map Total Opt-ins and Opt-ins.
Note: Since loyalty progress cannot be overwritten with uploads. This is the only way to "clean the slate" and reset loyalty progress. Don’t worry, this does not delete the contacts nor does it opt them out of receiving messages. Existing contacts that were opted-in will remain opted-in and those that opted-out will remain opted-out.
Step 11.
Depending on the size of the list, give the system about 10 - 20 minutes to update the contacts' information and new loyalty progress.
Congratulations! The account has a newly reset loyalty program!