If you've ever wondered, "Is there a way to add videos to my white label site," you're in luck. You can! You can easily customize your public site in a number of ways, including the ability to add videos. 

Step 1.

To display a video on your public site you will need to use an embed code from the page hosting the video (ex: YouTube or Facebook). If your video is hosted on YouTube, open the page and click the Share option.

Step 2.

Click the Embed option and copy the embed code.

Step 3.

Log-In to your master dashboard. Click Client Admin and then click Reseller Settings.

Step 4.

Locate the Public Website prompt and click the Edit button.

Step 5.

Your public facing white label site allows you to paste an embed code in description fields used throughout the site. In this example we have embedded our video in the second section of the About Us page titled "We LIVE and BREATHE Mobile!" 

Paste your embed code into your desired description field.

Step 6.

Click the Update button to save your changes.