Table of Contents

Step 1.

Click Mobile Tools from the main menu.

Step 2.

Click Mobile Websites.

Step 3.

Click the Create Mobile Webpage button.

Step 4.

The site will display a popup. Please enter a unique URL for your mobile page. 

Enter a brief description for your site as well as the page title which will display on the title bar of the web page. You may also customize the background color of the page. Click the Create Mobile Page button to save your page.

Once saved, the Mobile Webpage Wizard will open.


Your editor consists of 3 sections: a Page Setup menu, Mobile Webpage menu, and a Webpage Preview. Your custom mobile webpage is constructed with a combination of "rows" that can be made up of text and/or images. You can choose to "ADD TEXT",  "ADD IMAGE", or “ADD ACCORDION” to start creating your mobile web page.

Note: The Mobile Webpage Wizard can also allow for an Add PayPal Button for users looking to add a payment or donation capability using PayPal.

See Related Article: Create PayPal Campaign

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Step 5.

Click the + to expand the Page Setup menu. Here you can edit additional page elements, such as Page Title, Page Background, SEO Meta Data, and more.

Step 6.

Click the + to expand the Mobile Webpage menu. Here you can add and edit the major page elements.

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Step 1.

Click the Add Text button.

Step 2.

You can customize the background color of the text row, as well as the font color, type, and size. You can also use the HTML editor toolbar to add hyperlinks to your text, add list items, and other HTML styles and features.

Note: You can incorporate HTML widgets and web forms into your mobile website and use them to gather additional information from contacts participating in your mobile campaigns. To do this, click the SOURCE button in the HTML editor and copy & paste your source code into the text field. Click SAVE UPDATES to see your changes.

See Related Article: Webform Wizard

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Step 1.

Click the Add Image button.

Step 2.

Click the Upload button to select a graphic from your computer.

Step 3.

Clicking the Upload button will display a popup. Click the Select File button to locate and select an image from your computer. When you are finished, click the Upload button to submit.

Step 4.

The popup will now refresh and display the uploaded image. Click on the X at the top right corner of the popup to close the popup and update your mobile page.

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Accordions allow you to organize information by creating tabs that can be clicked to expand and display additional information. As with Text Rows, you can customize the background color, font color, font type and size of this page element. 

Step 1.

Click the Add Accordion button.

Step 2.

Each Accordion Row starts with 3 tabs. Click the green New Accordion Row button to add additional tabs. 

Step 3.

Click the edit icon to change a specific tab title and the accompanying text area. Use the Order Arrows to change the order of the titles. Click the SAVE UPDATES button to save your changes.

You can change the order preference of a row by clicking on the UP and DOWN arrows located on the left next to each row. You may also DELETE a row by clicking on the trash icon located next to the up and down arrows.

To view your mobile webpage, use the preview screen on the right, or simply copy and paste the URL provided into a web browser. In a web browser, you can view the page source and paste it into a branded mobile URL instead of using http://mpage. info URL provided. You may also browse your mobile web page from a mobile device to test the way it appears on the device.

 Watch: Video Tutorial - Creating a Mobile Webpage

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