These instructions will walk through setting up a Review Funnel using the features and tools found in the software. Creating the mobile websites and the webform in the master level account allows them to also be used 
as templates for sub-client accounts. 

Before starting - Please make sure to have all of the different review site links that will be applied to the funnel.

The platform tools needed:

  • Mobile Websites (Mobile Tools > Mobile Websites)

    • (4) Landing pages

      • Main landing page (links to positive/negative review pages using positive & negative icons)

      • Positive review page (links to the different review sites)

      • Negative review page (displays web form)

      • Negative review confirmation page (Thank you)

    • (3 or more) Image hosting pages

      • Positive & Negative graphics (Thumbs Up/Down, Smile/Frown, etc.)

      • Relevant review site icons (Facebook, Google, Yelp)

      • Sample graphics: 

  • Web Form (Contacts > Web Form Wizard)

    • (1) Web form for customers to submit a negative comment

  • Mobile Campaigns (Messaging > Mobile Campaigns)

    • (1) Mobile campaign to capture and notify business of negative comment

  • Post Notification API (Messaging > Gateway API)

    • Notifies business via email when a bad review is received by the system

  • Short URL (Mobile Tools > URL Shortener)

    • Short URL for the main landing page.  For easy sharing of review page on messaging

*Sample graphics: 


All documents listed below are attached to this article as PDFs for easy download. 

Step 1 - Image Hosting Websites

  • Create the image hosting websites for custom positive/negative icons and review site graphics.

Note: Only do this step if using external images. If using the sample images that we’ve provided, simply click this link below and proceed to the next tutorial for creating the review funnel landing page -  

Step 2 - Review Funnel Main Page

  • Create the mobile websites that are needed for the steps below.

Step 3 - Customize the Review Funnel main landing page

Step 4 - Customize the Positive Review Page

  • Create the POSITIVE review page and add it to the main landing page

Step 5 - Create Negative Review webform

  • Create the NEGATIVE review webform and add it to the Negative review landing page

Step 6 - Configure Notifications

  • Configure Email Notifications & Post Notification API

Step 7 - Test the funnel to ensure it is working as intended

Step 8 - Shorten the URL to the review funnel MAIN landing page and insert into desired messaging (i.e. time delays, bouncebacks, auto-engage, triggers…)

See Related Article: WEBINAR: Reputation Management Review Funnel 

See Related Article: Review Funnel - Step 1 Image Hosting Websites

See Related Article: Review Funnel - Step 2 Review Funnel Main Page

See Related Article: Review Funnel - Step 3 Customize The Main Landing Page

See Related Article: Review Funnel - Step 4 Customize Positive Review Page

See Related Article: Review Funnel - Step 5 Create Negative Review Webform

See Related Article: Review Funnel - Step 6 Configure Notifications