Create a mobile website for the positive and negative icon graphics as well as the different review sites that you will be using in the review funnel.

Note: Only do this step if using external images. If using the sample images that we’ve provided, simply click this link below and proceed to the next tutorial for creating the review funnel landing page -   

Ex: 1 mobile website to host the Positive Impression Icon

Ex: 2 mobile website to host the Negative Impression Icon

Ex: 1 mobile website to host the Facebook Icon

See Related Article: WEBINAR: Reputation Management Review Funnel 

See Related Article: Review Funnel - Set-Up Overview

See Related Article: Review Funnel - Step 2 Review Funnel Main Page

See Related Article: Review Funnel - Step 3 Customize The Main Landing Page

See Related Article: Review Funnel - Step 4 Customize Positive Review Page

See Related Article: Review Funnel - Step 5 Create Negative Review Webform

See Related Article: Review Funnel - Step 6 Configure Notifications