Workshop Date:September 23, 2021
Presenter:Lori A Muñoz
Title:Contests Set-Up & Implementation

This workshop reviews the features needed to set-up and implement a text-2-win contest with the available software. If you've ever wondered how and when to use the Contest Nth Winner Campaign, this is the workshop for you!  


  • Entry Methods

  • Contest Nth Winner vs Custom Campaigns

  • Opt-In Filters & Restrict Multiple Entries

  • Winner Selection & Notification

  • Q&A

 Watch: Workshop 6 - Contest Set-Up & Implementation

Slide Images are listed below in presentation order. 

PowerPoint and PDF versions of the presentation are attached to this article.

QUESTION: If you have multiple store locations with kiosks, can you run 1 contest for all locations (i.e. 1 prize awarded across all locations)?

  • It depends on whether those kiosks are all pointing to the same mobile campaign or not

QUESTION: [re contest nth winner] If you are repeating the contest each month can you have the setting to allow 1 entry per 30 days?

  • The CONTEST campaign method does not have a time element to it.
  • You would be better off using the random winner selector and setting up monthly random winner selections.

QUESTION: What are the rules for sweepstakes? I have a client that wants to have people pay for a ticket for a chance to win a motorcycle.

  • This and additional questions about raffles are discussed on the recording (see 32:40 min).