Purchasing (aka "provisioning") a new 10-DLC messaging code is easy. There are 2 ways to execute this request, but only one will automatically assign the number to the desired account. This article will guide you through both options.


Account Information (No Automatic Assignment)

Step 1. 

Login to your Master Account and click Account Information.

Step 2. 

Under Account Information select Messaging Codes.


When selected, you will see 3 buttons in the upper right hand corner of the page.

  • Order History: Shows a record of every number ordered through the system and will show when completed or failed status. If the number shows a completed status the number is now available to put into an account. If a failed status appears, a new number will need to be selected. 
  • Order New: This allows both a new 10 DLC OR Toll Free number to be purchased. 
  • Import Existing: Allows an existing number to be ported into our system. 

Step 3. 

Click the Order New button.

Step 4.

  • 10-DLC - Click the radio button to select 10-DLC and use the space provided to search for a specific area code or zip code related to the business. 

  • TF# - Click the radio button to select Text Enabled Toll-Free and use the options provided to search for a specific prefix or 4-7 letter word related to the business. 

Step 5. 

Available numbers that match your criteria will appear on the right hand side of the page. Click the messaging code that works best for the account and a button will appear to continue to the next step. 

Note: Up to 3 numbers can be ordered at one time. 

Step 6. 

Use the field provided on the next screen to enter the name of the business that is going to be using this messaging code. This can be edited later if needed. 

Note: On the right hand side of the page there in an important reminder about the necessary forms that MUST be filled out to verify and register the messaging code before it can be used to send messages. 

Depending on the type of number being provisioned required documents will need to be completed.

Required Forms:

  • Ported or Purchased / Provisioned TF#s require a Toll-Free Verification Form - Click Here

  • Ported or Purchased / Provisioned 10-DLCs require a Brand Registration - Click Here

Step 7.

Click the Submit button to complete the purchase or click the Start Over button to begin again. 

Step 8.

Use the Order History button in the Message Codes menu to verify that the order has been completed. 

  • Order History: Shows a record of every number ordered through the system and will show when completed or failed status. If the number shows a completed status the number is now available to put into an account. If a failed status appears, a new number will need to be selected. 

Step 9.
Assign the messaging code to the desired account click Client Admin, then locate and click the Edit icon for the desired account.

Step 10.

Locate the Messaging Code Settings section and click the Assign Messaging Code button and Messaging Codes page will open.

Step 11.
Locate and click the Add button next to the desired messaging code. 

The messaging code will now be available for use within the selected account. 

Step 12.

The new code cannot be used to send messages until it is verified / registered. Submit the required documents ASAP.

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Client Admin (Automatic Assignment)

Step 1. 

Login to your Master Account and click Client Admin.

Step 2. 

Locate the desired account and click the edit icon


Step 3.

Locate the Messaging Code Settings section and click the Order Messaging Code button. 

Step 4.

  • 10-DLC - Click the radio button to select 10-DLC and use the space provided to search for a specific area code or zip code related to the business. 

  • TF# - Click the radio button to select Text Enabled Toll-Free and use the options provided to search for a specific prefix or 4-7 letter word related to the business. 

Step 5. 

Available numbers that match your criteria will appear on the right hand side of the page. Click the messaging code that works best for the account and a button will appear to continue to the next step. 

Note: Up to 3 numbers can be ordered at one time. 

Step 6. 

Use the field provided on the next screen to enter the name of the business that is going to be using this messaging code. This can be edited later if needed. 

Note: On the right hand side of the page there in an important reminder about the necessary forms that MUST be filled out to verify and register the messaging code before it can be used to send messages. 

Depending on the type of number being provisioned required documents will need to be completed.

Required Forms:

  • Ported / Purchased / Provisioned TF#s require a Toll-Free Verification Form - Click Here

  • Ported / Purchased / Provisioned 10-DLCs require a Brand Registration - Click Here

Step 7.

Click the Submit button to complete the purchase or click the Start Over button to begin again. 

Step 8.

Use the Order History button in the Message Codes menu to verify that the order has been completed. 

  • Order History: Shows a record of every number ordered through the system and will show when completed or failed status. If the number shows a completed status the number is now available to put into an account. If a failed status appears, a new number will need to be selected. 

Account assignment is automatic. The new number will be visible in the Message Codes Section of their Client Admin profile.  

Step 9.

The new code cannot be used to send messages until it is verified / registered. Submit the required documents ASAP.

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