Depending on how you are using a mobile coupon or a mobile webpage, you may or may not want contacts to be prompted to save the URL as an icon on the device's home screen. The prompt is ON by default, but turning it off is easy.

For Mobile Coupons, it is controlled in the General Layout section of the Coupon Widget editor. 

Step 1.

Go to Mobile Tools > Mobile Coupons > Click the EDIT icon for the desired widget and locate the iPhone Bookmark Popup prompt in the General Layout menu.

Step 2.

Select Do Not Display on this page and then click the Update button to save your changes.


For Mobile Webpages, it is controlled in the Page Settings section of the Mobile Webpage editor. 

Step 1.

Go to Mobile Tools > Mobile Websites > Click the edit icon for the desired webpage and locate the iPhone Bookmark Popup prompt in the Page Settings menu.

Step 2.

Select Do Not Display on this page and then click the Update button to save your changes.