New Feature: June 17, 2021

Subject: NEW Loyalty Progress Merge Fields


We've recently added a new feature that allows an interactive campaign message to auto-populate a contact's current loyalty progress and the number of visits, points or dollars remaining until they earn their next reward. 

Note: Currently, this feature is only available for use with the interactive messages of an existing mobile campaign.

To use the feature, follow the instructions below. 

Step 1.

Add an interactive message to an existing campaign or edit an existing campaign's interactive message. 

Step 2.

Include one or both of the new merge fields into the text area.

New Merge Fields:

  • ~ls~   - Populates the current loyalty progress
  • ~lsr~  - Populates the number of visits, points or dollars remaining until they earn their next reward. 

Sample Message:

Your current loyalty progress is ~ls~ & you are ~lsr~ visits, points or dollars from earning your next reward

Step 3.

Select the desired loyalty campaign. When adding ~ls~ or ~lsr~ to the message field a new drop down menu titled "Loyalty Points" will appear in the Advanced Message Options. Use the drop down to select the desired loyalty campaign. 

Note: The "Loyalty Points" drop down menu will only display loyalty campaigns. If the desired campaign is not listed, please revise it so that it is properly configured for loyalty. 

Three Sample Use Cases

A) Delayed Interactive Message - Add the feature to a delayed interactive message that is sent 1 day after the contact has joined. Thank them for visiting and remind them of how close they are to earning a reward (~lsr~).

B) Text-In for Status Update - Create a stand alone campaign that contacts can text in to and receive a status update. 

C) Kiosk After Trigger - Create a campaign that is used with the After Trigger option of the kiosk, to deliver a loyalty progress message when a specific kiosk button is used. Follow the steps below to activate the After Trigger.

Step 1. 

Click the MOBILE TOOLS menu, then click DIGITAL KIOSK WIZARD.

Step 2.

Click the edit icon for the desired kiosk then click the LAYOUT & FUNCTIONALITY menu.

Step 3.

Scroll down and locate the AFTER TRIGGER section and select your settings. 

Sample Settings: