System Update: March 15, 2023

Subject: Upcoming Changes to Pending & Unverified Toll-Free Numbers

This 2023 article has been updated to reflect new restrictions going into effect on January 31, 2024 that will no longer allow "Pending State" numbers to send messages. Beginning January 31, 2024 "Pending State" message volume will be blocked and only VERIFIED codes will allow for message delivery.  

Beginning April 1st, 2023, messaging volume thresholds for Restricted and Pending toll-free numbers will change.

As you know, the US messaging ecosystem is rapidly changing. In October of last year, messaging limits were implemented to encourage verification and increase compliance in the toll-free space. To further encourage numbers to submit for verification, Restricted (formerly “unverified”) and Pending (submitted/awaiting verification) numbers will face additional limitations, starting April 1st, 2023. In addition to the updated limits, increased message filtering will also occur.

No action is required for Verified numbers.

Effective April 1st, 2023, the following industry-wide thresholds will be applied to messaging sent over Restricted (Unverified) and Pending toll-free numbers.

• Daily limit: 500 message segment attempts
• Weekly limit: 1,000 message segment attempts
• Monthly limit: 2,000 message segment attempts

Starting January 31st, 2024 "pending state" traffic will no longer be supported. All traffic on toll-free numbers "pending verification" will be blocked. 
• Daily limit: 2,000 message segment attempts
• Weekly limit: 6,000 message segment attempts
• Monthly limit: 10,000 message segment attempts

What do I need to do? 
If you haven’t already, please start registering your Toll-Free traffic. In the near future, the verification process (currently 5-7 weeks) will need to be completed before sending any traffic on a toll-free number. The official date will be shared in the coming weeks. In the meantime, please start to prepare for this change in your onboarding processes and starting sending us this completed sample verification form to GET YOUR NUMBERS VERIFIED.

Follow our Best Practices guide to set your business up for success and to get your campaigns up and running faster. Make sure you also visit the SYSTEM UPDATES section of the knowledgebase on a regular basis where you'll find more updates like these.

As always, please reach out to us with any questions you may have about these changes.

Thank you,

 iVision Mobile

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